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Hydrostatic Release Units

Hydrostatic release unit for liferafts and EPIRB
These units consist of a double looped rope line, a release mechanism, and a weak link. This release unit conforms with the requirements of the 1983 amendments to SOLAS 1974/ 83, 98
Hydrostatic release unit Hammar H20 is activated by water pressure and automatically releases the EPIRB. When EPIRB reaches the surface, it starts to emit a signal of identification and position to a satellite. Hammar H20 is made of nylon reinforced glass fiber and is not prone to corrosion and temperature changes. The term of operation is 2 years. Complies with the requirements of the SOLAS 74/96 Convention, Reg. III/4 LSA Code, IMO Res. MSC. 48 (66), 81 (70).

Hydrostatic release unit Hammar H20
Requirements of the 1983 amendments to SOLAS 74/96 Convention, Reg. III/4 LSA Code, IMO Res. MSC. 48(66). IMO Res. MSC. 81(70), approved to EU Directive 96/98 EC
2 modifications are available:
- Disposable Liferaft
- Disposable EPIRB (Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacons)

The Hammar H20 is:
- made of glassfibre reinforced nylon, which means that it won't rust;
- needs no annual service, maintenance or spare parts;
- is the biggest selling hydrostatic release unit in the world.

Principle of operation


Fleet Service Department
+380 (48) 705-19-71